View from Sunshine City 60: In the cityscape picture, you can see Shinjuku on the left side and a triangular building on the right side. The triangular building is Nakano Sun Plaza, the landmark building in our neighbourhood. You can also see just how immense this city is! Unfortunately, it wasn't clear enough to see Mt. Fuji....we'll save that for another day.
Disturbing Event: I was riding the train to work last week and there was a schoolgirl sitting across from me. When I glanced over, she had her compact mirror out and she was putting on mascara. No big deal--that's a common sight on the train (although I'm not sure how they're able to put on mascara when the train is jerking from side to side!). When my gaze went by her the next time, however, I had to do a double take....She had a pink plastic implement with which she was jabbing her eyelid (I think the intent is to make one's eyes look wider--she was trying to push her eyelid very deep into the fold). At first, I was so viscerally ill at seeing this that I looked away quickly. A few moments passed, and I started to wonder to myself, "Did I really just see what I think I did?" So, I looked over again. And she was pushing her eyelid in even harder--there were no gentle movements at all. It took all my willpower to not go over and say "For the love of god, please stop, you're going to poke your eye out!" The implement has two pointy prongs on one end and a single pointy prong on the other. I will post a photo if I'm able to find this tool of torture in the stores.....
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