On Kiran's last night in Tokyo, we went to Asakusa to see the Kannon temple and the pagoda to the left. Have I mentioned how wonderful this city is at night? I love sightseeing at night here--less crowds, the lights are gorgeous, and different things stand out than they would during the day.
We had a leisurely morning before hopping the train so that Kiran could catch her NEX to Narita. We hung out at Heiwanomori Park and sat by the water. We were all quite enraptured by the creatures that lived beneath the surface. Someone had dropped an entire piece of bread into the pond and there was something attacking it from beneath!! From the way the bread was pulled beneath the surface and then released, it seemed like it was a sizable creature. Kerwood investigated and discovered that it was only a fish approximately 6 inches long. Oh well, it's nice to have 'big fish' stories swimming around your mind every now and then (except when I'm swimming in the ocean a month from now!) ;)

That evening, Ker and I went to a Spanish restaurant in Kichijoji (the neighbourhood where I worked)....We had a splendid time eating (delicious tapas and the most wonderful seafood paella) and drinking while feasting our senses on a live flamenco show. This seems to be a common thread through many of my stories--great food, good drink, live performances--I have to say, we're livin' a sweet life here and getting re-connected to the things that are most important to us....Even though our time here has been cut short, what time we have had has most certainly been a gift, and I am most certainly grateful for that....
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